On October 28, 1967, twelve intelligent, dynamic and energetic women who were already members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., came together to form the Saginaw Alumnae Chapter in Saginaw, Michigan.

Saginaw Alumnae Chapter History

The Saginaw Alumnae Chapter (SAC) is celebrating 55 years of distinguished service and impactful achievement in the Saginaw/Bay community. In keeping, SAC’s 2022-2024 biennial theme is “Embracing Sisterhood: 55 Years Elevating, Impacting and Empowering Our Youth and Community.

Soror Jane McGhee’s efforts to convince 12 young ladies to become charter members culminated with SAC’s chartering on October 28, 1967. Since then, SAC continues to serve and honor the legacy of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service and Social Action, with a focus on empowering the Saginaw/Bay Community through strategic engagement.

Since its chartering, the Saginaw Alumnae Chapter has been a pillar in the community rendering countless hours of service and remaining dedicated to social action. Chapter members collectively work together with community partners to develop and implement programs that benefit the City of Saginaw.

Social Action initiatives and collaborative alliances that have been developed with many community organization that include: NAACP, Black Nurses Association, League of Women Voters, Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum, Pulse 3, Health Fair and Zeta Phi Beta, Saginaw Sorority Sisters, Saginaw African Cultural Festival, Saginaw STEM, the NeighB community center youth STEM program, along with area community churches with the Read-In Chain and the Gospel Praise Brunch.

Each alliance with programs and agencies aims to promote at least one of our five-point programmatic thrusts: Economic Development, Educational Development, International Awareness and Involvement, Physical and Mental Health, and Political Awareness and Involvement on a local, state, national and/or international level.

Charter Members

  • Barbara Walker

    Barbara Walker

    SAC Charter Member

  • Betty Greene

    Betty Greene

    SAC Charter Member

  • Jane McGhee

    Jane McGhee

    SAC Charter Member

  • Leomia Kathryn Holt

    Leomia Kathryn Holt

    SAC Charter Member

  • Lillian Ollie

    Lillian Ollie

    SAC Charter Member

  • Lizzie Dillard Robinson

    Lizzie Dillard Robinson

    SAC Charter Member

  • Marise Tabor Hadden

    Marise Tabor Hadden

    SAC Charter Member

  • Odahlia Ledford Rance

    Odahlia Ledford Rance

    SAC Charter Member

  • Peeti Greene

    Peeti Greene

    SAC Charter Member

  • Sandra Wilson

    Sandra Wilson

    SAC Charter Member

  • Shirley Lowery

    Shirley Lowery

    SAC Charter Member

  • Thelma Kirkland Poston

    Thelma Kirkland Poston

    SAC Charter Member

Message from Our Chapter President

Greetings Sorors and Friends:

On behalf of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. (DST), Saginaw Alumnae Chapter (SAC), it is my pleasure to welcome you to our digital home. Our chapter was chartered 57 years ago, providing distinguished service and impactful achievement in the Saginaw/Bay community. I am honored and humbled by the opportunity to serve as the 30th president of this outstanding chapter.

Through the bonds of sisterhood, DST was founded to bring women together as sisters, to change and benefit the lives of individuals within society through collective social action.

On October 28, 1967, twelve young ladies decided to recommit themselves to the ideals and mission of our sisterhood by chartering the Saginaw Alumnae Chapter. During the past 57 years, we have initiated nearly 100 members into our local Chapter. As sisters, we have worked together to provide vital resources for the community.

Our goal is to empower the Saginaw community through strategic planning, civic engagement, and the power of sisterhood. To this end, SAC’s biennial theme for 2024-2026 is “Moving Forward with Fortitude: Embracing Sisterhood, Elevating, Impacting and Empowering Our Youth and Community.

As we continue to serve and honor the legacy of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service and Social Action, which we began 57 years ago, we invite you to partner with us on this journey to make an even more significant contribution within the Saginaw/Bay community.

To my Sorors looking for a Delta home, we would love for you to attend our chapter meetings. Please connect with us prior to attending (for membership verification), and we will welcome you with open Delta arms. Meetings are typically held on the first Saturday of the month. Please reach out for more information.

Please visit our website frequently, follow us on social media, and explore our online news and events, along with SAC calendar posts, for opportunities to partner with us and to support DST/SAC programs and events.

Sisterly Yours,

Lisa Ingram, President